Men Ministry Journey Community Church in De Pere, WI

We are changing the title from Men’s Ministry to what we are now calling Ministry to Men. This may seem like just semantics, but Ministry to Men takes place every day in our lives and in every situation. And Ministry to Men takes place all throughout the life of the church.  Ministry to Men occurs whenever one man takes the time to invest into another man.  The goal of Ministry to Men is to develop a lifestyle of caring, discipling, and leading others as Jesus did.


Each thing that is done involving Ministry to Men will have a strategic next step and will be centered around our purpose statement and theme verse.


Ministry to Men Purpose Statement:  we exist to instill spiritual confidence in men, who will reach and lead the next generation for Christ. 


Ministry to Men Theme Verse:  You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 3 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1-2).


There are four generations of discipleship referenced in this scripture and it goes back to investment. Paul is investing in Timothy, Timothy is investing in Reliable Men, and Reliable Men will invest in others, so one another can be strengthened in the grace of God so we will have confidence to reach and lead the next generation for Christ.

So, where do we start, or what is the next step? We encourage all men to join a Growth Group see our listings below.  Also, you can view other things on the horizon.  Any questions please email  


We do have Men’s only growth groups that meet at varying times during the week. Here, we challenge each other to apply God’s word to our lives every day. The heart of these groups is fellowship of men who have God in their lives. Click below the link to Men's Growth Groups for all the offerings.



In our survey to men serving the community was communicated as important to the men at Journey.  There will be opportunities to serve our community and right now will function as a part of our growth groups.  Please select a growth group that works for you and let's start learning and serving together!  


We are in the process of planning workshops. Some topics may include: a man's relationship with his wife, balancing work and home, walking closer with God, handling conflict, how to share our faith. Have an idea for a workshop send an email below.




We are preparing for a special Father's Day event! If you are interested in helping this event or others send an email below and indicate your interest.


The second Saturday of each month the men of Journey get together at Julie’s Cafe in West De Pere and enjoy food, fellowship, and discuss topics relevant to God’s plan for men.  Breakfast starts at 7am. This is a low key environment just drop in whenever you can.