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Are you new to Journey? Then you're invited to Journey Community Church's Welcome Party!


We want to welcome you to our church and give you an opportunity to meet the pastors and some leaders, learn a little more about the church, and enjoy a free lunch.


We'll do some Green Bay trivia and talk about where we're heading in the future. We hope to see you there! 


Women's Ministry will be having stand-alone Bible Studies every other month this year! Our March Bible Talk will be on a book that is yet to be determined. There will be teaching, small group time, and individual work-time.

We will zoom in on...

  • the theme and context 
  • how to study this literature literature 
  • a study of significant words in the book
  • connections to Jesus and his Gospel
  • approaching difficult-to-understand concepts

Free childcare available


Connection, real conversation, fun (and food, of course!) - that is what girls in grades 1-5 and their mothers (or other female relative/mentor) will experience together at our first girls/mothers overnight discipleship retreat!


Join us for the newly updated and expanded Journey 101, March 16, 12:15-1:30 pm.  Come and learn more about Journey. This is informational, but a requirement for membership, and a great way to meet some other people also considering membership at Journey. 

The new format is: 

  • *Lunch and introduction to membership 
    *Watch 8 short videos on your own 
    *Meet with an elder or pastor one-on-one

If you're interested in making Journey your home, we're looking forward to seeing you on March 16! 


Who: Young adults (18 years old/post-high school and up)
What: Eden Young Adults Retreat
What will we do?: Devos, winter trails (snowshoeing), recreation center (volleyball, basketball, fitness room, ping pong, pickleball), cards/games, broomball, and more!
Where: Green Lake Conference Center
When: March 28th (after work) - March 30th (early afternoon)
Why: To have a fun, relaxing weekend growing in our relationship with God and community!
Cost: $100. Please register if you are planning to attend. 


We are so excited that you are considering taking the next step in your journey with God by being baptized. Do you know what was the #1 indicator in the New Testament that you were a Christian? It was following Christ in baptism.

Please click on the register button for more info on next steps and to register if you would like to be baptized.

Should you have any questions about this process please email 

Journey Community Church Event Calendar

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