Celebration Service Information Q & A
Celebration Service Information Q & A
Quarry Park- 1625 Quarry Park Drive, DePere, Wi 54115
One Service at 9:30 am
The entrance to the lot will be marked. There will be limited parking next to pavilion, with signs marking designated disibility parking. Additional parking is available on the street. There will be parking attendants in the lot as well as a Golf Cart available if you need assistance to pavilion.
There will be limited seating available. So, Please bring your own lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the service. There will be a wheelchair accessible area available under the pavilion.
The Potluck will be under the pavilion after the service.
You Can sign up to bring up a side dish by signing up under the EVENT tab above....on this web page.
Yes- Journey Kids will be providing a supervised activity area for kids 4 years of age and younger.
The Journey Kids will also provide a coloring packet and crayons to children 5 years and older who will be attending service with their parents. These packets will be available thru our greeters.
Yes. There are restrooms available on each side of the pavilion and will be marked with signs.
Incase of inclement weather a church wide post will go out by no later than 6 am via Facebook and church wide text.
Services and the Potluck will move to the church.
Services will be at 8 am and 11 am.
We will still hold the Potluck at 9:30 am between services.
The Journey So Far
2004 Middle School
2011 Wisconsin Street
2018 Grant Street
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