JK Valentines Pizza, Family Devo & Bingo Night

JK Valentines Family Journey Community Church in De Pere, WI

 Are you new to Journey? Then you're invited to Journey Community Church's Welcome Party! We want to welcome you to our church and give you an opportunity to meet the pastors and some leaders, learn a little more about the church, and enjoy a free lunch. We'll do some Green Bay trivia and talk about where we're heading in the future. We hope to see you there! 



Are you new to Journey? Then you're invited to Journey Community Church's Welcome Party! We want to welcome you to our church and give you an opportunity to meet the pastors and some leaders, learn a little more about the church, and enjoy a free lunch. We'll do some Green Bay trivia and talk about where we're heading in the future. We hope to see you there! 


Do you have books and puzzles lying around that you no longer want? Come swap for a new one!
This casual event will allow for women to exchange items and enjoy a snack.
Please make sure that the books you bring to exchange do not surpass a "PG-13" rating.
All puzzles should have all the pieces.  Magazines also welcome to swap! 
All left over books and puzzles will be donated. 


This quarterly gathering of women will include a devotional or activity based on our yearly Women's Ministry theme, a craft or game, and time for fellowship.


Come spend Valentine's Day with us! Enjoy a pizza dinner, a short family devotional and then Valentine's Bingo! Win some prizes and spend time with family and friends - we can't wait to see you there! 


St. John's Ministry is one of Journey's Mission partners.  St. John's Ministry offers support to those who are experiencing housing instability and homelessness in the greater Green Bay Area.  One way that Journey supports St. John's Ministry is through "Love Your Neighbor" for the month of February.  "Love Your Neighbor" is a supply drive that gives people the opportunity to donate the items to St. John's Ministries so they can  continue to support those in need. This year, the supply drive will be February 2nd through February 23rd. For a list of items to donate, you can visit the welcome desk, website or app.  


Connection, real conversation, fun (and food, of course!) - that is what girls in grades 1-5 and their mothers (or other female relative/mentor) will experience together at our first girls/mothers overnight discipleship retreat!